About the Mommy:
Hair Color: dark brown
Eye Color: hazel
Skin Complexion: Fair with freckles
Age: 25
First Child? Yup!
About the Daddy:
Hair Color: dark brown
Eye Color: blue
Skin Complexion: fair, but tans easily
Age: 26
First Child? Yep!
Finding Out:
What day did you find out? 10/11/2009
How did you feel when you found out? I was so happy, but shocked! I didn't think we had good timing.
Who was the first person you told? I was out of town, visiting family & friends. I told my best friend first!
How did they react? she was THRILLED
Telling the Parents and Grandparents:
How did your parents react? my mom was surprised, and cautiously excited (since I had a miscarriage earlier in the year)
How did his parents react? his parents were ECSTATIC!!! First grandchild for them!
Are they helping with baby names? nope, we named him ourselves
Have they bought anything for the baby yet? tons of stuff, he is so spoiled!
How often do they call and check on you? I talk to my mom about 1-2 times a week, and we see C's parents once a week for dinner.
About the Pregnancy:
When was your first appointment? November 4th
When is your due date? June 22, 2010
How far along are you? 34 weeks 1 day
Pre-pregnancy weight? RIGHT! Like I would actually write that! ;)
Weight now? I am only up 3 pounds from pre-pregnancy. I lost 10 pounds, but gained that back by 32 weeks. Now I'm up 3!
Have you had any ultrasounds? 4! viability at 7 weeks, dating u/s at 8 weeks, BIG u/s at 20 weeks, and another at 28 weeks.
Have you heard the heartbeat? Yup. At every appointment starting at the 12 week mark.
About the Delivery:
Are you going to videotape it? definitely not.
Are you allowing everyone in the room? just my husband
Medications or Natural? epidural please!
C-Section? Water Birth? Natural? hoping for a vaginal delivery!
Will you cry when you hold your baby for the first time? I know I will
Will daddy cry? probably
Are you scared about the labor? not scared, just a little nervous!
Is your baby going to be named after someone? middle name is Dale, which is a family name on my husband's side.
Name: Ethan Dale!