This picture was taken at exactly 9 weeks old!
Ethan is 2 months old (almost a week ago!). I cannot believe it. The time has flown by since he came into our lives, and I can't remember what life was like before we had him. We had his 2 month appointment on Friday and here are his stats:
Height: 24 in long (75%)
Weight: 14lbs 4 oz (95%)
Head Circumference: 43cm (>95%)
My baby is HUGE! No one believed that he is only 2 months old. They wanted to know what I was feeding him and how much LOL. I am pretty sure it is more genetics than how much he is eating. His daddy is 6'3" and was a HUGE baby as well. The doctor did not seem concerned at all with how big he is. In fact she said he is extremely healthy :) She said we may look to start solids around 4 months instead of 6 months because he is such a big boy.
Here is what Ethan is up to these days...
He can turn his head side to side while on his tummy, but he hates tummy time. The doctor said since his head is so large it will be awhile before he can really lift it up.
He can hold his head steady while sitting up or we are holding him up on our shoulder. He has very good control and is less bobble-head like now :)
He is wearing size 3-6 month and 6 month clothes. *sigh* We bought so many cute winter clothes on clearance last year that are 3-6 month size that I don't think he will get a chance to wear unless it gets cold SOON!
He loves sitting up and staring at people, fans, lights, basically anything. He loves it when we talk to him and mimic him. He LOVES his grandpa!
He laughs out loud at us, and sometimes just because.
He loves laying on his playmat and staring at the mirror and toys. He loves looking at himself and he smiles and coos. He isn't too interested in playing with the toys yet.
He eats about 5 oz most feedings, sometimes more, sometimes less. He is still on the Nutramigen formula (holy expensiveness) and Zantac for stomach pain/reflux. It really seems to be helping though, so we aren't going to stop it yet.
We love you so much Ethan Dale and we look forward to watching you grow up into a smart, handsome little boy! :)