Thursday, July 8, 2010

Post Partum survey

  • How far along were you when you had your baby? 39 weeks 1 day (by 18 minutes)
  • How long was labor? 24 hours
  • Total weight gain: from pre-pregnancy weight FIVE POUNDS!!
  • Total weight loss since: 16 pounds!!!
  • Back into your own clothes yet? yep, I can fit into everything.
  • Did you get stretch marks? Yep, I have a nice cluster around my belly button
  • Did you deliver vaginally or by c-section? C-section
  • Best moment this week: watching Ethan become more alert and recognize our voices. He also got to meet his aunt & uncle for the first time!!
  • What I miss about being pregnant: Feeling him moving inside me.
  • How big is baby: He was 8 lbs 3.5 oz on 6/29/10. My guess is over 9 lbs by now! He loves to eat!
  • Baby's temperament? he is very laid back & easy going unless it is time for bed--he fights it sometimes, and he likes to be held/rocked until he goes to sleep. He also has been gassy which makes him upset sometimes. We have switched formulas (on our 3rd now) and he seems to be doing better!
  • What I am looking forward to: watching him grow up! I can't wait until he can interact with us, smile at us for a reason! I can't wait to play with him, watch him crawl, walk, talk, everything!

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